Keratin Lash Lift


Embrace your natural lashes and make your eyes sparkle eyes with our lash lift treatment.

What is a lash lift?

A lash lift is a semi-permanent beauty treatment that enhances your natural lashes. It involves curling your lashes from the base to make your lashes look longer and fuller.

How long does a lash lift last?

The results of a lash lift typically last for 6 to 8 weeks, depending on your individual lash growth cycle. As your natural lashes shed and new ones grow, the lifted effect will gradually diminish.

What is Keratin?

Keratin is a protein that plays a crucial role in the structure and strength of hair. In a Lash Lift treatment, the Keratin solution helps to nourish and strengthen the hair fiber so that your lashes remain beautifully curled and defined for a longer period.

Does the lash lift procedure hurt?

Not at all! During the treatment, your eyes will be closed and you might feel a slight tugging sensation while lashes are being lifted but that’s it – in fact, it’s so painless that many of our clients end up taking a quick nap!

Can I get a lash lift if I have lash extensions?

If you have lash extensions, you’ll need to remove them at least 48 hours before getting a lash lift. Lash lifts work best on your natural lashes and the adhesive from extensions can interfere with the process.

Do I still need to use lash curlers?

Nope! After your lash lift treatment, you’ll be able to wake up every morning with perfectly curled lashes.

Can I wear mascara after a lash lift?

Absolutely! In fact, one of the great benefits of a lash lift is that it can enhance the effect with mascara.

Pre-care Instructions

Before your lash lift appointment, there are a few things you can do to ensure the best results and a comfortable experience. Follow these pre-care instructions to prepare for your lash lift:

Remove Eye Makeup: Arrive at your appointment with clean and makeup-free lashes. This will help the adhesive used during the treatment to work effectively.

Avoid Moisturizers and Oils: On the day of your appointment, avoid applying moisturisers, creams, or oils to your eye area. These products can create a barrier that affects the lifting process.

Contact Lenses: If you wear contact lenses, please remove them before the treatment. You can wear your glasses to your appointment.

Skip the Curlers: Avoid using lash curlers for at least two days prior to your appointment. This will ensure that your natural lashes are in their natural state for the best lifting results.

Inform Your Technician: If you have any eye conditions, allergies, or sensitivities, please inform your technician during your consultation. This will help ensure your comfort and safety during the procedure.

Following these pre-care instructions will help you achieve the best results from your lash lift treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

After-care Instructions

After your lash lift, avoid getting your lashes wet for the first 24 hours. Be gentle when cleansing your face and avoid using oil-based makeup removers near your lashes. It’s also a good idea to avoid rubbing your eyes to prolong the results.


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Opening Hours:

By Appointment Only

Monday to Sunday
10am - 8pm

768 Bourke St, Docklands VIC 3008